University of Melbourne seeking research participants over 65

If you're aged over 65 years old, and are willing to share your experience using a fitness or activity tracker to monitor your health and wellbeing, the University of Melbourne's School of Computing and Information Systems would love to hear from you! 

The study aims to understand how older adults use fitness and activity trackers (including the Apple Watch, Fitbit, Xiaomi, Garmin, Samsung Gear Fit, etc.) to manage their health, and how they respond to the information being provided to them. 

The research involves an initial interview, a 4-week diary study, and a follow up post-diary interview. Each participant will receive a $20AUD gift voucher after the first interview, and an additional $30AUD gift voucher upon completion of the full study ($50 total). 

This research will provide lessons for the design of future activity trackers, to assist older adults with managing their health. A summary report of key findings will be made available at the conclusion of the study. 

If you meet the above criteria, and would like to participate, visit this link
For more information about the study, please feel free to contact Elsy Garcia Reyes via email.

Please share this link with any friends or family members who may also be interested in taking part.

The research has been approved by the University of Melbourne's ethics committee (Reference Number 2022-23397-35296-3).


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